The Launch of The Sanctoras Foundation
June 29, 2023
Sarah Marshall

Sanctoras, and indeed all of our team individually, recognise the importance of giving back to the communities we work with, live in and come from. We are therefore delighted to announce the launch of The Sanctoras Foundation, a charity registered in England & Wales, to allow us to pursue our philanthropic aims and objectives. 

The Sanctoras Foundation has been set up primarily to help young people with great ideas and exceptional potential to realise the difference they can make to their own lives, and the lives of those in their communities, through the world of business education.

But we don’t mean classroom learning - we mean real-life, hands-on and practical skills-based learning. Those we support may want to build their own businesses; to pursue careers they may not have thought were ‘for them’; or access alternative forms of professional learning and development. They may already have thoughts on how to reinvigorate their local areas through an innovative business idea; or they may need a hand in finding the direction that is right for them. At the heart of all the projects we look forward to supporting, there will be a key focus on supporting others in a self-sustaining, meaningful and long-term way.

So how will we achieve this?

The team at Sanctoras will utilise our skills, knowledge and experience in the worlds of finance, tax and business to provide inspiration, support and mentorship. We are passionate about helping those from less advantaged backgrounds to access opportunities which might not be obvious or easy to access - our team comes from a wide range of backgrounds, and the idea of things ’not being for people from where I’m from’ is a mindset we want to break. Stay tuned for stories from our team about their own experiences, and why this message resonates so strongly.

As well as giving our time and expertise, Sanctoras is also committing to donate a minimum of 5% of our net profits each year to The Sanctoras Foundation, enabling us to provide grants to individuals and organisations who can either directly benefit in line with our charitable objectives, or who can support the Foundation in achieving its aims - thus bringing a much needed diversity to the worlds of financial and professional services.

Registered with the Charity Commission

The process for registering a charity in the UK is rigorous and is overseen in England & Wales by the Charity Commission, whose strict rules all charities must abide by. Alongside our CEO, James Heathcote, as Chair of the Board of Trustees, the Sanctoras Foundation has two further trustees from outside the Sanctoras business to ensure the operational independence of the Foundation. We’ll be sharing more information about our trustees, and why they are excited to work with The Sanctoras Foundation, over the coming weeks.

Everyone involved with The Sanctoras Foundation - our trustees, mentors, coaches and more - are doing so in their own time and on an entirely voluntary basis. With our shared visions and objectives, we cannot wait to hit the ground running. Although we won’t be open for grant applications just yet, we’d love to hear from you to discuss our charity in more detail and develop ways of working together within the professional community.

The Launch of The Sanctoras Foundation